AIM Web Services Beta

We’re pleased to announce that testing of our new AIM Web Services module is underway with some impressive results. The initial focus of AIM web services has been on extracting data using our flexible and powerful user reports as templates. The resultant functionality will enable you to import your asset level risk and cost data directly into any system that can receive data in XML or JSON format through web services. No need for consultants, no need for customization. You define the template, you define the data and you decide where it goes.

Tableau anyone? We already have a portal ready that allows you to select and import your data straight into Tableau. No more need to download large reports through the AIM web interface, just go straight for the source through our AIM Tableau Data Import Wizard.

The flip side of exporting data is, of course, importing data, so our most recent focus has been to allow asset data to be imported directly into AIM using those very same Web Services. Development is well underway and currently testing asset data imports directly from ICS Consulting’s Asset Data Management System (ADMS).

However, we have no intention to stop there. In fact, AIM 4.0 will be driven entirely through Web Services (that’s 100%). This means that everything you see and do within the AIM web application can be retrieved or actioned using our fully documented AIM RESTful Web Services API. A true Service Oriented Architecture that can be integrated with any third party software.

We’re excited by these developments and hope you will be equally pleased with the results. We anticipate AIM 4.0 to be ready for release by December 2018.

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